RD-blog-number-4142 by Herb Zinser reviews the world-wide biochemistry war in human bio-computer IS = Information Systems.
In bio-physics this is known as the HIERARCHY PROBLEM.
String Theory and The Hierarchy Problem in Physics - For ...
BAL = Basic Assembler Language.
2011 Norway attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The citizen United States government failed to properly explain the assassination of ANwar SADAT --> AN war --> Alpha Numeric war resulted in his Base 16 hexadecimal death in Egypt.
The assassination of Anwar Sadat occurred on 6 October 1981. Anwar Sadat, the President of Egypt, was assassinated during the annual victory parade held in Cairo to celebrate Operation Badr (1973), during which the Egyptian Army had crossed the Suez Canal and taken back Sinai Peninsula from Israel at the beginning of the Yom Kippur War.[1] A fatwāapproving the assassination had been obtained from Omar Abdel-Rahman, a cleric later convicted in the US for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The assassination was undertaken by members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.
Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Tech_shootingWikipedia
The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia ...Seung-Hui Cho - Liviu Librescu - Kevin Granata - Jamie Bishop
Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Tech_shootingWikipedia
Jump to Norris Hall shootings - About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses theEngineering Science and Mechanics ...Seung-Hui Cho - Liviu Librescu - Kevin Granata - Jamie Bishop
32-bit: On 32-bit COBOL systems the maximum length of a command line is .... A file is identified within a COBOL program by a filename, a user-defined word..
Above, the newspaper announcemnt of the COBOL 32 -bit war casualties.
The Washington Post newspaper printed the bio-computer news for the readers at COMPUTER EARTH geography computer address space ...... Base 16 hexadecimal address at --> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue --> the White House computer science people.
Thus we come to the ISIS code problems ...the ISIS code --> IS = Information Systems..
ISIS Terror – The Latest on ISIS Threat - NBC Newswww.nbcnews.com/storyline/isis-terrorNBCNews.com
Continuing coverage of the ISIS terror threat in Iraq and Syria. ... Kerry: U.S. 'Not Intimidated' By 'Well Organized' Group ISIS. Paste HTML to embed video:.
What is IS (information system or information services ...whatis.techtarget.com › ... ›Computer Science › Computing fundamentals
1 IS information system is the collection of technical and human resources that provide the storage computing distribution and communication for the inf...
PCW --> Police Captain Waukesha --> PC Lutz --> Person Computer Lutz
100 -->. numeric subset of alpha/numeric word --> B100D ..hence the B100D number 100 demo of Police Captain LU = Logical Unit --> LUTZ.
Reflections for Captain James Lutz, Waukesha Police ...www.odmp.org/officer/.../16751-capt...Officer Down Memorial Page, Inc.
Apr 28, 1994 - Captain James Lutz was shot and killed while attempting to apprehend two ... Captain James Lutz |Waukesha Police Department, Wisconsin .... James and Theodore Oswald were sentenced in 1995 to multiple life terms for ...
URGENT Video: Peter Kassig beheaded by ISIS with 16 ...www.iraqinews.com/.../urgent-video-peter-kassig-beheaded-isis-16-syria...
2 days ago - Screenshot taken from the ISIS video showing the beheaded American Peter Kassig and thebeheading of 16 Syrian regular army soldiers.
3 days ago - The horrific 16-minute video, featuring a long history of ISIS and images of a mass beheading of Syrian soldiers, concludes with the chilling ...
Peter Kassing american - a biochemistry IS WAR casualty
Rd-blog-number-4141 by Herb Zinser reviews the world-wide biochemistry IS wars ..Information Systems wars.
This is better known as ISIS........ the Hierarchical structure of IS ...sub-level IS.
The tragic signaling EVENT in biochemistry .........
U.S. Believes ISIS Video Shows Peter Kassig, American ...
New ISIS video shows beheading of American hostage ...
www.foxnews.com/.../new- isis -video-purportedly-sho...2 days ago - The Islamic State terror group has claimed to have beheaded American hostage Peter Kassig, an aid worker and former Army Ranger, in a ...Fox News Channel -
Obama calls ISIS beheading of Peter Kassig 'pure evil ...
www.cnn.com/2014/11/16/world/meast/ isis -kassig-killing-images/2 days ago - American aid worker and former soldier Peter Kassig was beheaded by ISIS terrorists, the White House confirmed Sunday.CNN
To understand this situation ,,we need to review the perceptions of Herbert Spencer.
Herbert Spencer - Page 100 - Google Books Result
books.google.com/books?id=GiwRAAAAYAAJJohn Arthur Thomson - 1906Principles of Biology, Spencer admits that he had not sufficiently emphasised the fact of ... If life be correspondencebetween internal and external relations, then ... -
Herbert Spencer and the Invention of Modern Life
books.google.com/books?isbn=0801445906Mark Francis - 2007 - Biography & AutobiographySpencer's focus on "organic correspondence " relied on the emphasis given to ... of the notion that internal changes correspond to external environmental forces: ... -
[PDF] Herbert Spencer's Theory of Causation*
https://mises.org/journals/jls/5_2/5_2_1.pdfLudwig von Mises Instituteby GH Smith - Cited by 7 - Related articlesIn An Autobiography Herbert Spencer recalls that he "early became pos- sessed by the idea of ..... Spencer applies this theory of indirect correspondence to all knowledge in rather ... adjustment of internal relations to external relati~ns."~Un. -
§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer
fair-use.org/ herbert - spencer /the-data-of-ethics/s.7... in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more ... said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to externalrelations.
In the November ... year 2014 tragic signaling EVENT we read about the EXTERNAL event in Syria with EARTH LAB specimen Peter Kassing american --> Intials --> PKa
Below, SYmmetry Region --> SY R ---> assigned to the Earth geography site of SYRia.
Thus we look at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE to help understand the message.
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts,etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOLMACHINE.
Using Galileo'ssuggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive S artre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more dataspaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control systemflowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories -Rijnlandmodel
Languagein Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Peter Kassig american --> Darwinian selection of him for his SYMBOL MACHINE code -->PKa
Acids, Bases, and pH - Essential Biochemistry
their Ka and pK a values.
Note how K a values for weak acids tend to be very small numbers. Because these numbers with exponents tend to be cumbersome, K a values are usually converted to pK a values, much in the same way as [H + ] values are converted to pH.
pK a = – log K a |
For example, the K a of acetic acid is 1.74 x 10 –5 .
The pK a for acetic acid is therefore pK a = –log (1.74 x 10 –5 ) = 4.76.
Below is a table listing some common weak acids and their K a and pK a values.
Note that the smaller the K a , the larger the pK a . Thus, stronger acids are represented by larger K a values,
Thus we have the concept of biochemistry military acids and biochemistry military bases composed of molecules and biochemistry processes inside your human body ...the INTERNAL component mentioned by Herbert Spencer .....and the correspoindence to the EXTERNAL PKa display VIA human messenger display device named PKa --> Peter Kassing american.
Acids & Bases Problem Set - The Fort Hood Biology Project
The pH biochemistry conflict was Fort (LAB) HOOD, Texas ...... pH --> personnel HOOD.
Representing NATURE's systems was biochemistry MAJOR ... Major Hasan.
On November 5, 2009, a mass murder took place at Fort Hood , near Killeen, Texas . [ 1 ] Nidal Malik Hasan , a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist , fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] The shooting produced more casualties than any other on an American military bas
Biography of Nidal Hasan, suspect in shooting at Fort Hood
Nidal Malik Hasan's connection with Virginia Tech | Virginia ...
www.vtnews.vt.edu/articles/2009/11/2009-848.htmlNov 6, 2009 - According to Virginia Tech records, Nidal Malik Hasan first enrolled at ... degree with honors in biochemistryfrom the College of Agriculture and ...Virginia Tech - Hence, the Darwinian selection of Major Hasan to deliver Nature's molecular cell biology WAR ... military message to the INTELLECTUAL community.
Nidal Malik Hasan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE's college biochemistry military textbooks.
The above college textbook by Campbell has its Pentagon military installation ..below.
Thus we see the acids and bases war at universities ... inside the brain ..the symbols and concepts FIGHT .... have yourbrain axon SYMBOL PROCESSING abilities gotten the ax by a television show EM attack.... or by language manipulation tricks ..... etc,.
The above blog post articles stressed 2 major concepts.
1) base 16 data processing message of ISIS regarding the Peter Kassig
2) Peter Kassing america --> initial PKa biochemistry OR
....Peter Ka ----------> again --> code --> PKa acids/bases
Together. the concepts cover biochemistry molecules and their data processing processes.
6. - Essential Biochemistry
www.wiley.com/.../acid_base/6_hh_equation.htmlThe pKa is a measure of the weak acid's ability to ionize. Thus, pH and pKa seem ... graph: how the pH of a buffered solution changes as acid or base is added.John Wiley & Sons -
Acids, Bases, and pH - Essential Biochemistry
www.wiley.com/college/.../acid_base/7_buffers.htmlBuffers help biochemists study biomolecular reactions in the laboratory by stabilizing the pH of solutions used for ... The pKa for acetic acid is 4.76. ... A buffer is a solution that resists a change in pH when acids or bases are added to it.John Wiley & Sons -
Appendix: Acid-Base Concepts - Biochemistry - NCBI ...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/...National Center for Biotechnology Informationby JM Berg - 2002Inspection of equation 4 shows that the pKa of an acid is the pH at which it is half ... Buffers. An acid-base conjugate pair (such as acetic acid and acetate ion) ... -
Buffer solution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffer_solutionFor uses not related to acid-base chemistry, see Buffer (disambiguation). ... Simulated titration of an acidified solution of a weak acid (pKa = 4.7) with alkali.Wikipedia
Data buffer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Typically, the data is stored in a buffer as it is retrieved from an input device (such as a microphone) or just before it is sent to an output device (such as speakers). However, a buffer may be used when moving data between processes within a computer. This is comparable to buffers in telecommunication. Buffers can be implemented in a fixed memory location in hardware—or by using a virtual data buffer in software, pointing at a location in the physical memory. In all cases, the data stored in a data buffer are stored on a physical storage medium. A majority of buffers are implemented in software, which typically use the faster RAM to store temporary data, due to the much faster access time compared with hard disk drives. Buffers are typically used when there is a difference between the rate at which data is received and the rate at which it can be processed, or in the case that these rates are variable, for example in a printer spooler or in online video streaming.
A buffer often adjusts timing by implementing a queue (or FIFO) algorithm in memory, simultaneously writing data into the queue at one rate and reading it at another rate.
Buffers are often used in conjunction with I/O to hardware, such as disk drives, sending or receiving data to or from a network, or playing sound on a speaker
Buffers can increase application performance by allowing synchronous operations such as file reads or writes to complete quickly instead of blocking while waiting for hardware interrupts to access a physical disk subsystem; instead, an operating system can immediately return a successful result from an API call, allowing an application to continue processing while the kernel completes the disk operation in the background. Further benefits can be achieved if the application is reading or writing small blocks of data that do not correspond to the block size of the disk subsystem, allowing a buffer to be used to aggregate many smaller read or write operations into block sizes that are more efficient for the disk subsystem, or in the case of a read, sometimes to completely avoid having to physically access a disk.
Thus the terminology used by the copper-wire computer industry ..their hardware and software ...may also partially describe INTERNAL biology systems, biochemistry molecules using Nature's software, and Central Nervous System 370 SYMBOL PROCESSOR data buffers ..... using brain electron circuits or molecular pathways ............. with acids and bases .. Nature's molecule military bases within the human body.
Thus the node of Ranvier ......
node/command, control, communications, and computers ...
Buffer Sharing in Computer-Communication Network Nodes
Examples of human internal DP = Data Processing software systems
a) B100D Pressure --> code DP
b) eye/ iris / optical nerve verb --> 100k --> 100 k photon/em data stream processor of pictures/ graphics/ letter/ equations, etc.
c) iris --> subset code --> Is --> Information Systems component of the human eye
The military message from year 1997 has been ignored .........
The Mind Has No Firewall - Strategic Studies Institute - U.S. ...
The Mind Has No Firewall - excerpt from an Army article on ...
--> SY + R --> SYSTEM Region --> assigned to physical geography location SYRIA.
U.S. confirms Is --> Information systems --> Islamic State (STATE of MIND brain electrons circuits) beheading of American
Kassig's parents, Ed and Paula Kassig, released a statement Sunday that they are
Ed and Paula Kassig
Ed Paula Kassig
Ed P --> bio-computer identifier humans code --> EDP agents --->
What is electronic data processing (EDP)? definition and ...
www.businessdictionary.com/.../electronic-data-processing-EDP.htmlDefinition of electronic data processing (EDP): Use of computers in recording, classifying, manipulating, and summarizing data. Also called Automatic data ...